Film production during COVID-19

2020 so far has seen the world living, working and communicating in ways we have never had to before.  The COVID-19 lockdown means for many people strict social distancing and isolated working, and for the production sector this has presented us with a number of challenges when producing film content. Red Goat Productions have been[…]

2020 Charity Film Award Winners!

In these unprecedented times, good news and celebrations are very welcome and the 2020 Charity Film Awards presented charities, organisations and production companies with an opportunity to honour some of the most powerful charity films from the past year. The Charity Film Awards were created to demonstrate that in a modern world film-making is the most[…]

We don’t just make films…

We don’t just make films… 2019 was a great year for the team at Red Goat Productions. We not only got to the final of the Charity Film Awards with a film made for Dravet Syndrome UK, but we got to produce some incredible content for the charity, health and educational sectors for use in[…]

CICRA Family Day filming

Crohn’s in Childhood Research Association (CICRA) – The specialist charity for children and young adults with Crohn’s, Colitis and IBD, invited us to film one of their Family Days in Newcastle. Our crew headed north to make a series of films featuring young people, families, professionals and charity representatives discussing treatments, research and advice on[…]

KetoCollege educational films – The launch

In 2012 we met Emma and Julie, CEO’s of Matthew’s Friends Charity, and as one of our first ever commissions, made them a promotional film about their charity and the work that they do.  This film introduced audiences to her son Matthew and the incredible effect the Ketogenic Diet had in treating his drug-resistant epilepsy. Matthew[…]

MEN2B and ME

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B (MEN2B) is a genetic disease in which one or more of the endocrine glands are overactive and form a tumor (neoplasia). Although many people live relatively normal lives, being diagnosed and living with a rare genetic endocrine condition can be difficult at times, and AMEND, the Association for Multiple Endocrine[…]

Undiagnosed Children’s day

April 26th is Undiagnosed Children’s day and we have had the pleasure once again, to produce a series of films for SWAN UK.   SWAN stands for ‘syndromes without a name’. It is not a diagnosis, but a term used when a child or young adult is believed to have a genetic condition and testing[…]

We are finalists!

Charity Film Awards 2019 – we are finalists! Engage, inspire and educate. In 2012 when we set up Red Goat productions we wanted to produce engaging, inspirational and educational films for online, corporate and broadcast.  Our backgrounds in charity and health meant we were drawn to the incredible stories behind charities looking at why they[…]